Monday, April 18, 2011

Kuiper CHP 13

1.       QWhat are the two methods to obtain the information from the primary data sources? Please give some examples for each primary data collection method.
A:  They are passive data collection and active data collection.  Passive data collection method includes search of company records, observation, and some forms of experimentation; active data collection methods involve questioning subjects, they includes interviews, focus group interviews, questionnaire surveys and electronic surveys.

2.       Q:  What’s the difference between the active and passive data collection methods?
A: In passive data collection, the person collecting the data does not actively interact or communicate with those subjects. In active data collection, the person collecting the data interacts with the subjects who actively supply the data to the researcher.

3.       Q:  How to choose the primary data collection methods?
A:  Your choice of a data collection method must be based on its ability to obtain accurate data and satisfy other relevant research criteria, when you select a technique that best meets the requirements of your project, you should know the importance of the nine dimensions, they are subject identification/anonymity, flexibility of the data-gathering technique, subject anonymity, accuracy of sensitive data, control of researcher effects, flexibility of scheduling, time required, probable response rate, cost.

4.       Q: What are the four measurement scales?
A: Four scales are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.

5.       Q:  What guides should be followed in preparation of a transmittal message?
A:  First, Use an interesting opening that focuses on the receiver, not the sender, of the message. Second, provide enough identifying information to legitimize your request. Third, indicate the role of the participants and the protections that are extended to them. Fourth, specify exactly what is required and make that action as easy as possible. Fifth, offer an inducement to participate, if possible.

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