Monday, April 18, 2011

Kuiper CHP 15

1.       Q: What is data analysis? What is the data analysis for?
A: Data analysis is the entire process of converting raw data into meaningful information for decision makers. The data analysis is used to highlight useful information, suggest conclusion, and support decision making. Analysis is a process of data reduction, the mass of raw data is reduced to major findings and ultimately the findings are interpreted to yield conclusions and recommendations.

2.       Q: What is qualitative and quantitative data?
A: Our data set will contain both qualitative and quantitative data. Both kinds of data are useful in business research.  Qualitative data are non-numeric data. (E.g. the expressions of consumer qualities or characteristics are not numeric) Interpretation of such data requires subjective judgment. Effective interpretation of qualitative data requires rational, logical, unbiased thinking throughout the entire process. Quantitative data are numeric data. Interpretation of quantitative data also requires rational, logical, unbiased judgment.

3.       Q: What are the four requirements for accurate data analysis?
A: To enhance the accuracy of your analysis, you must understand the research problem, maintain a critical mindset, apply logical thinking, and understand basic statistical procedures.

4.       Q: How does knowledge of the research problem assist in data analysis?
A: The knowledge of the research problem reminds you of what stimulated the research and of the objectives to be met by the study. The analysis must move toward a conclusion and recommendation that will contribute to achieving the research problem and purpose.

5.       Q: How to maintain a critical mindset?
A: To maintain a critical mindset, you have to constantly evaluate your data and your interpretation of the data. One way to maintain a critical viewpoint is to discuss your research with others who are authorized to review the data, particularly during the data analysis.

6.       Q: What are the basic styles of logic?
A: The basic styles of logic are induction and deduction. Induction involves reasoning from specific facts, examples, or cases to generalizations based on those specifics. Deduction involves reasoning from general concepts or principles to specific facts or cases. Deduction is based on the logical syllogism, which has three parts: a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion.

7.       Q: What does data preparation include for most types of contemporary business research? What are they?
A: Data preparation includes editing, coding, and entering into a computer. Data editing is inspection of the data to detect errors and omissions. Coding is the process of assigning numerals or other symbols to answers so that they can be categorized and interpreted.

8.       Q: What are the criteria for an effective data coding system?
A: Any coding system must meet four criteria: appropriate, exhaustive, mutually exclusive, and one-dimensional.

9.       Q: Why do we do data verification?
A: since errors can occur during data entry, verification is a necessary step to protect the validity of the data before data can be processed.

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